What is diesel fuel oil used for ?
Waste oil to diesel fuel plant
Diesel fuel come from waste tire oil ,waste plastic oil ,waste engine oil ,waste motor oil by waste oil to diesel fuel plant .The diesel fuel can be used for tractors, trucks, and diesel oil generators, ships etc.
Diesel fuel contains more energy and greater power density than other fuels such as gasoline and is the fuel of choice for tough jobs. Efforts are underway to reduce the amount of harmful emission caused by burning diesel fuel.
can be used for tractors, trucks, and diesel oil generators, ships etc. - See more at: http://www.wastetireoil.com/Pyrolysis_plant/Waste_oil_distillation/oil_distillation_refining_plant_124.html#sthash.RdzbfjpW.dpuf
Waste oil to diesel fuel plant
Diesel engines in trucks, trains, boats, and barges help transport nearly all products people consume. Diesel fuel is commonly used in public buses and school buses.
Diesel fuel powers most of the farm and construction equipment in the United States. The construction industry also depends on the power diesel fuel provides. Diesel engines can do demanding construction work, such as lifting steel beams, digging foundations and trenches, drilling wells, paving roads, and moving soil safely and efficiently.